Monday, May 22, 2006

She.......Had To Leave......

Apologies once again for the sporadic posting. Hopefully I can post more often this week.

So Kathy and I were taking the train back from Amanda's confirmation party last week. To keep entertained, we started messing with our cell phones. Now I'm not a big fan of them to begin with, and my service is kept as simple as possible. I don't go for any of that fancy ringtone stuff, web access or photos. I would rather keep the damn thing off.

But in my messing around I made the discovery that Sprint is now offering ringtones by X. Well that changed my mind pretty quick. Now you can choose between 'Los Angeles', 'Sex and Dying in High Society', and 'The World's a Mess (It's in my Kiss)'. Two and a half bucks for 90 days.

So now when some client calls, which is never a good sign, at least I'm now soothed by John and Excene's voices.

'...all her toys wore out in black and her boys had too...'